
foundationary thoughts

Some thoughts on the foundation:

( Possible ) Mission Statement: To put new or gently used bicycles into the hands of children who need them.


How to discern good candidates for bicycles, do we need two references ?

We would like to be totally transparent with finances on the web page – post our finances in public

Is 90% of funding toward bicycles sustainable ?

Should we do a fund raiser? What ?

Should we deliver bikes whenever we have funding, or pick a spring/summer date and a winter/Christmas date

How can we do business, should we find local bike shops – try to get a value from a vendor

Never borrow money, just wait if we fall short

Stay people focused

What are realistic goals
year one was three bikes financed by us
should our five year goal be fifteen bikes, 100 bikes, 1,000 bikes

Do we have any liability – how do we manage that, do we need to add helmets to go with the bikes ?

Can we do T-shirts for volunteers who donate a bike and send a picture

Things to get:

Bank Account ( check )
Logo – ( need a new/improved )
Letterhead ( the State needs it to apply )
Register with the state
Register with the IRS for tax exempt

Lots of questions, still it’s fun to see if we can make it go.






Year 1

From an idea to international action:

We have three bikes lined up:

1) In Chicago

2) In Ontario Canada

3) In the US West


That’s our budget for this year – now we wait for Christmas.

Hopefully we will get a picture of the bike and the recipient and we will post those on the blog.

In the meantime we will work on a logo, tax free status, maybe T-shirts and a fund raiser.

For lifetime membership in the club, donate or give a bike where it is needed and send a picture.

God Bless

Bill and Jan Webb


getting bicycles to kids

This is the start of something big, or something small….

We ( Jan and I ) love bicycles and want to get new or gently used bikes to kids who need them.

This is a club, or a foundation that you can join.  Give a kid a bike and send a picture.  Or send a donation and we will find a kid and get a bike.

Here’s our logo, like our foundation it needs work… That’s OK cause this year at least three kids will get bikes for Christmas.

oops, I forgot the second wheel :)

oops, I forgot the second wheel 🙂

Someday we may be tax exempt, but today we just want to help some kids.

Bill Webb Figurehead, 2wheels2kids

Jan Webb CEO, 2wheels2kids


